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School Site Council

Schools are required to form School Site Councils when they receive categorical funding from the state and federal government. California Education Code mandates that schools write a plan to describe how categorical money will be spent. A representative group of stakeholders develops this plan and makes
decisions on how to spend the money according to the plan (ED Code 52852). A School Site Council performs many important roles, including: 

  • Develops and approves the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
    • Sets and reviews school goals and selects specific improvements
    • Establishes budgets to support the goals and actions in the SPSA
    • Recommends and submits SPSA to the Board of Education
  • Annually reviews and modifies the SPSA
    • Monitors and evaluates implementation of the SPSA
    • Evaluates the effectiveness of the Plan
    • Ensures alignment with the Local Control Accountability Plan
  • Collaborates with Advisory Groups such as ELAC and PAC
  • Encourages parent, family, and community involvement
    • Encourages broad representation of parents, community members, teachers and students
    • Includes all socioeconomic, ethnic, and programmatic groups represented in the school

Members (2022-2023)

Pine Hollow Middle School has a School Site Council consisting of 11 voting members, as comprised below. All members are elected by their peers via a secret ballot to a two-year term. 

PARENTS (3)   

STUDENTS (2)                  

PRINCIPAL (1)                     


  1. Lena Norris (Year 2)   
  2. Veronica Alvarado*                      (Year 1)
  3. Daniel Rumsey
  1. Aiden Holeman       (Year 1)
  2. Hailey Hix                 (Year 2)

Laurie Clark                                                          
(De Facto Member)

Tara Mann

Eileen Roberts Farley

Susanne Sartorio

Jennifer Miner

* MDUSD Parent Advisory Council Representative

Meetings (2023 - 2023)

Pine Hollow School Site Council meetings are held the third Tuesday and begin at 3:15pm on the scheduled date in room D6/7. All staff, students, and parents are invited to attend, and meetings are open to the public.  




September 20 2022 - Cancelled 
October 18, 2022 Agenda Minutes

November 8, 2022



February 21, 2023 Agenda Minutes
April 18, 2023 Agenda Minutes

BYLAWS 2020 - 2022

PHMS Site Council Bylaws (2020-2022)

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

2021-2022 School Plan for Student Achievement (PDF)

2020-2021 School Plan for Student Achievement  (PDF)

2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement  (PDF)

2018-2019 School Plan for Student Achievement  (PDF)

2017-2018 School Plan for Student Achievement  (PDF)

2016-2017 School Plan for Student Achievement  (PDF)

2022 - 2023 School Plan for Student Achievement






June 2, 2020 Agenda Via Zoom Minutes (DRAFT)
May 5, 2020 Agenda Via Zoom
April 7, 2020 Cancelled n/a n/a
March 3, 2020 Agenda
February 4, 2020 Agenda Sign-In Minutes
January 7, 2020 Agenda Sign-In Minutes
December 3, 2019 Agenda Sign-In Minutes 
November 5, 2019 Agenda Sign-In Minutes
October 1, 2019 Agenda Sign-In Minutes 
September 3, 2019 Agenda Sign-In Minutes
2021 - 2022
September 7, 2021 Agenda Minutes


Agenda Minutes
November Agenda Minutes
February Agenda Minutes
March Agenda Minutes
Meetings held in November, and March did not have a quorum and no minutes were recorded


Robert's Rules of Order (Introduction) (PDF)

Robert's Rules of Order (Motions Chart) (PDF)

Robert's Rules of Order (Training) (PPTX)

Sign In Sheet (Template) (DOCX)

Glossary of Terms (DOC)

Member Nomination Form (DOCX)

Member Ballot Form (DOCX)